The Home of Freemasonry
Welcome to the website of the only English Speaking German Lodge within The Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany.
On the following pages you will find various information about our Lodge, its origin and history, its aims and ideas promoted by our founder and current members. Some of these topics are mainly of interest to current members of the Craft, some may be of more intrigue for those of you who are not Freemasons by providing you with general knowledge and information about a brotherhood or band of brothers whose roots can be traced back more than 500 years.
We would only be too pleased if you were to visit one of our meetings and join us as a brother. If you are not a Freemason you are invited to contact us at any time, whether you are just interested in gaining more information or in becoming a member of the world’s oldest fraternal society.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Yours aye,
Glenn McDonald
Worshipful Master